We affirm the Nicene and Apostles' Creeds as the foundation of orthodox and historic Christianity.
God: We believe that there is but one living and true God. God is infinite in wisdom, power and love. He eternally exists in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Jesus: Jesus Christ is God wrapped up in human flesh. Jesus lived a sinless human life and offered himself as the perfect sacrifice for the sins of all people by dying on a cross. He rose from the dead after three days to demonstrate his power over sin and death. He ascended into heaven and will come again to judge all whom he has created, and to reign as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit is co-equal with the Father, and the Son. The Holy Spirit is God's presence with us on earth today. He provides Christians with power, guidance, and understanding as they live their lives as children of God.
Salvation: We believe that salvation comes from Christ alone. As Wesleyans, we hold to what is called "the scriptural way of salvation." Salvation begins with God's grace extended to us (prevenient grace - John 1:9). Salvation is through faith alone (justifying grace - Romans 5:1) in Jesus Christ. As we work-out our salvation (Philippians 2:12-13), we move toward sanctification (sanctifying grace - Php. 2:12-13).
Bible: The canonical books of the Old and New Testaments are the primary rule and authority for faith, morals, and service, against which all other authorities must be measured.